We are a Marketing Agency

And yes, we do almost Everything

Humans don’t really flow through a funnel as your filter coffee does, and while funnels are important, creating wholesome experiences for customers is even more important.

What goes behind building these experiences?

Compassionate Communications

Content is a representation of what your brand believes in, says, and does. Would want your brand to be careful about its image, wouldn’t you?

Result Oriented Marketing 

We use data to figure out what your customers seek, and give them just that! Build trust, understand your customer’s pain points, and work towards making things better for them. 

Dynamic Execution

Plans, Strategies, and no results? Not with us! We are constantly on our feet executing, ready to chase business goals without looking back.

Our Services

PR & Personal Branding

Leverage the power of media to build and nurture relationships with your audience. Spread the word, share your story. 

Brand Marketing 

We build your brand, its personality, its guidelines, and STICK to it across channels. Marketers don’t joke about brand consistency. 

Lead Generation

You’ve got a great product that people need. We build pathways to carry your voice to them, and them to you. 

Digital Marketing 

Build your visibility through relevant digital channels, and direct your efforts towards platforms that your customers love hanging out at. 

Integrated Solutions

When many people talk at once, they make noise, but when everyone says the exact same thing in coordination, SHOR happens. Let’s sync your marketing channels!

About Us

We help brands deliver on their promise.

SHOR makes sure that a company’s marketing operations are in sync with that promise, and there is consistency in messaging across channels.

We build advertisements, we create content, we manage social media and PR, we crunch numbers. We do pretty much everything on this end while you work on solving your customer’s problems.

Believe it or not, when it was needed, we also acted as customer care executive on behalf of our clients.

Our Clients


How else would change happen?

Anand Singh


Fondly named Bade Bhaiya by 'himself', Anand is 'literally' a bundle of joy. If you are looking for PR opportunities or want to build a personal brand, he is your guy!

Shreshtha Rathore


She legit breathes, dreams, and consumes everything marketing that comes along her way. If it weren't for her current job role, she would still be making some SHOR as a bassist most probably.

Abhy Mittal


This guy is obsessed with numbers, technology, and conspiracies. He is a full-time conspiracy theorist and a part-time performance marketer.

Rishi Ahluwalia

Senior Creative Associate

Drip over face, what else do you expect from a designer?
You can never tell when this guy is joking, and when is he dead serious.

Bhavika Verma

Graphic Designer

She lifts more than you weigh, so beware (:
Heavy lifting is a part of her personality at this point because this girl legit creates awesome graphics at the speed of light!

Soumya Banerjee

Founder's Office Intern

She shoots and never misses. The youngest yet the most intimidating one on our team, Soumya would say her forte is project management.
But we know that she can legit do anything in this world, so she kinda does everything.

Anshil Anand


The most powerful one on our team, because he is a man of words.
This guy legit works at his full potential, with his phone on 'zen mode'.

Chandni Nagdeo

Social Media Manager

As a natural storyteller, and Co-founder of Humans of Chhattisgarh, Chandni knows how to touch lives with beautiful narratives, and that works really well for our clients too.
If there is anything that beats her strong feelings towards work, then it is her love for dogs.

Vedanshu Sharma

Founder's Office Associate

The mazboot jod that keeps everyone together, Vedanshu is legit everyone's boss.
On rare occasions when he isn't working with the clients, he listens, understands, and motivates the rest of us.

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